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What is a credit which is refunded?

tax credit

tax credit

If you have decided to apply for a tax credit, it is a wise decision. First of all, it will give you a great opportunity to save some money. However, there are several aspects which you should consider. The fact is that tax credits vary in terms of conditions. Some of them simply good while others are really really good. Plus, you should understand which purposes you apply for a credit for.  

tax credit

If a credit is refunded, it means that you will have a certain sum of money paid back to you. However, what is the amount and what should you do to get it? How the tax credits vary and what exactly to consider? You are on the right way to learn it.


To begin with, all the tax credits are generally divided into two type. The first type is credits which are not refunded. In other words, you will get nothing. Logically, there are tax credits which imply that you are given a certain sum of money in return. Here is how it works exactly.

Say you have decide to take out a credit which is refunded. It turns out that the credit higher than amount of tax which you pay year. In this case IRS will compensate you this «money gap». This is the refunded of tax credit. Unfortunately, if you deal with a credit which is not refunded the only way out is to make your amount of taxes per year as low as 0. No matter how much money is left, you will never get it.

If we do the math, here is how it looks. For instance, you need to pay say $2,000 to IRS. The fact is that you have not enough of tax remissions to cover the amount of taxes paid per year. In case you have wisely applied for a credit which is refunded, you will not have to pay anything to IRS. Understandably, the tax credit which is not refunded will not give you such a generous way out. As you see, the difference is in your financial benefit.

Thus, if you need to reduce a tax credit but it seems to be impossible, the refunded variant is what you need. Here are some of the tax credits which are refunded like this:

  • AOC
  • EITC 
  • PATC
  • SSTC  
  • TCJA

So, let’s look through each of them in details in order to understand how things work.


In most cases, you can apply for this type of tax credit, if you plan to spend it on educational purposes. Please note that it refunds you only 40% of the overall sum while the rest of it you have to pay on your own. Plus, the sum refunded is allocated to cover only 4 years of education.


This is the type of the tax credit which you can apply for in case your income is low enough. The biggest sum which you can rely on choosing this type is slightly over $4,000. This sum is possible to get for those who have at least 3 children.

In case your income is high or you have less than 3 children the amount of the money approved will be significantly lower. If you earn enough or have a different number of children the sum may even be reduced to $500. 


PATC is a good choice for those people who have obtained a health insurance by the means of health insurance marketplace. It helps to decrease the level of costs significantly.


Speaking in general, this is not a tax credit at all. Nevertheless, you still have an opportunity to claim a refund. To do it you should have worked at least for two employers. In addition, their SST withholding must be higher than the maximum limit of the taxes per year.


The last but not least type of tax credit is designed for children. In other words, it makes the level of child tax credit lower. For instance, you can get around $1,500 per child. A few years ago you could apply for a refunded version of this tax credit and not refunded version as well. 

Now things have changed. Both of the options mentioned above have merged together. Such a decision was made to give more opportunities for people. Again, it is designed so that people who earn too much would not be able to get it. The maximum amount of money which you can hope for is $150,000. A family couple can double it up to $300,000.

Ultimately, there are various options which help you to save several dollars. Unfortunately, you cannot refund most of the tax credits. However, those which still can be refunded offer really interesting conditions. 

It is also important to remember that conditions and circumstances of getting a certain tax credit change every year. Some options become more beneficial while others disappear as if they have never existed. To know more about each detail of this process, it is a good idea to visit the IRS website. Or else try hiring a professional who specializes in this sphere.

As you can see now, you do need to try applying for a tax credit because it is going to make your life much easier and more beneficial as well. Be sure to check every detail out thoroughly and be aware of the up-to-date information concerning the tax credit you are interested in. 

So, live life to the fullest and enjoy financial advantages. We will keep you informed if there are any significant changes in this sphere.